Are You Looking For a Change? Change Your Hair.

People underestimate the power of a good haircut and what it can do. Whether it’s the transformation of the length and style itself, or the shift in how you feel about yourself.
This might sound silly but a good haircut should grow. I don’t mean length-wise, it should evolve as it grows. Your cut has character to it, be its flips and twists, its precision, the way the bangs fall, the point of your features that a particular line draws the eye to or, directs attention from. A haircut is not just a haircut. It’s something created for you by your stylist to create an illusion, or a smoke and mirrors effect. It’s something that when you look at yourself you see something that brings out a part of you that you’ve always wanted to express, or be. When it comes to hair, it really it your greatest and most versatile accessory.
Here are some ways that you can change your hair.
Bangs – Bangs are very trendy right now. Particularly curtain bangs. They are great for someone a little apprehensive about bangs who wants to do a non-committal style as they are a little longer. They work best with a middle part reminiscent of the 70’s.
My current favorite is either an extremely short bang, or the bangs and bits combo which is friendly on the grow out of colour and adds interest to an effortless pony tail or bun - think Goldie Hawn, Bridget Bardot, Stevie Nicks, Taylor Swift and Jlo.
Parts – If your hair parts like the Continental Divide, this might be a difficult one, but most people can get away with changing their part one way or another. The next time you see your stylist ask for ideas. Whether it’s switching sides, going to the middle or shifting it to an angle. If you want, play around before your appointment to get used to seeing yourself a certain way before you commit to a cut with a different part.
Colour – A great hair colour will enhance a haircut and vice versa. Like seasons, our colour should change. Our skin not only changes throughout the year but also as we age. Hair colour has the ability to transform skin tone. Just as a cut can create an illusion a colour can do the same. Consult with your stylist on what might be best for you.
I'm currently loving reds and coppers, dimensional blondes and transitional colours to help blend and grow out grey.
Streaks and chunky highlights appear to be making a slow and steady comeback.
The Big Chop - Have you ever gone short? I love a big transformation moment in life and in movies. When someone stops hiding behind their hair that wasn't doing anything for them and finds a new style is life changing. Cutting your hair has the ability to shed years, and limiting beliefs about yourself. Embrace the change.
Extensions - Instead of the big chop you can also do the opposite by adding hair in the form of extensions. Extensions can be clip ins, taped or bonded. Book with a stylist specializing in extensions for a complimentary consultation.
Texture Services - Perms are back! People are embracing natural (and unnatural texture) in their hair from tight tendrils to loose waves.
We also have a new Semi Permanent Waving service called NuWave which is incredible for creating soft wave with extra body. This option makes for an effortless grow out. It's gentler on the hair and is a great option if you don't want to go for a full set of curls.
We also offer a Kerasilk smoothing treatment which smooths hair, fights frizz and manages your hair for easier styling. This is not straightening service.
At Home Styling – You are not limited to wear your hair only one way. Change it up by adding curl, straightening, push it back or add an accessory. Styling products also have the ability to transform a look.
Whether your hair is long or short there are lots of different ways to style it. We offer a wide variety of tools and accessories in house and are happy to answer any questions you have in helping you create the look you want.
I also encourage you to let go of that image of how you looked with that awful haircut you had in grade 6 (or whenever it was for you) and accept that you’ve changed. Your face has, your hair has, and so has the way you look at yourself. Don’t let old limiting beliefs prevent you from discovering what might be your best look yet!
While these suggestions are here to help inspire you in your hair journey, I want to remind you that you are not a before photo, and you don't need an after. You are perfect as you are. We just love having fun doing hair, sharing out knowledge and sparking new found joy when you come to see us. So, if you're looking for a change, consider starting with your hair.
By James Jones, stylist at Fish Hair Salon.
Photo credit Franck Lay
This photo was taken pre-covid